Mobility of Liu-gong Canal

Next Culture Landscape: City Phyto-purification System

Fall 2021- Spring 2022

Taipei, Taiwan

Instructor: Weishiang Tseng

Culture Landscape | 12.4 Miles | Recreate Urban Texture

City Texture. Durability. Phenomenology. Mobility. Renovation. Cement Casting.

If commemorating eternity is no longer an issue that should be considered today, what is the temporality of monumental meaning? How to represent the present as a permanent continuation?

Perhaps a monument is a kind of urban boundary or urban center, which forms and dissolves different forms and roles in different eras, and continues with different appearances.

In the process of urban redevelopment, the issues of urban history and collective memory continuation must be considered, and development and preservation must be incorporated into the urban space regeneration action plan. The human landscape is a combination of "Historical events" and "historical places" are the means of forming the humanistic meaning of places.

Phyto-purification is an effective solution for wastewater sanitation. No electricity consumption, sufficient energy, no complicated maintenance, and can help ecology (animals and plants) return.